Niacin or vitamin B-3 was a treat long known for depression and chronic anxiety. However, we've never heard of possible emotional benefits of niacin for depression. Although the reason for the secrecy surrounding the vitamin niacin therapy for depression has a history deeply rooted and complex, a simple description is that natural remedies are not supported by the United States. medical field.
Niacin is dangerous to use for depression?
In the "Annals of Emergency Medicine" there have been two reported cases of critical reactions at higher doses of niacin for depression. These patients had used niacin to clear their system of cocaine for drug testing. So how does this compare to traditional medicine? About 783.936 people die each year from medical errors and nearly 100,000 of these deaths are all patients taking medications as prescribed.
Niacin Work For treatment of depression?
(OMNS) Doctors report that mental problems such as depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, ADHD, and learning disorders antisocial, and obsessive-compulsive disorder often have a typical cause: inadequate nutrients in the brain. Nutritionally oriented doctors say that treating these problemsdisorders is to give the body the extra nutrients it needs, especially in situations of excessive stress.
Orthomolecular medical scientists say that the future of psychiatry is in nutrition because nutrition has such a long history of safe and effective solve a lot of psychological problems. Nutrients such as B vitamins are more effective when taken regularly, taken at reasonably high doses, and taken in combination with vitamin C, essential fatty acids (EFA), and the minerals magnesium and selenium.
A conclusion of what has worked well for many people following below. The safety of vitamins and minerals is straordinary, and the burden of judging is much less than the cost of pharmaceutical drugs dangerous. These nutrients are ordered in a discount store or health.
Taking 1,000 mg of vitamin B-3 three times a day usually mild cure to depression face. Dramatic results are usually obtained within a week from this nutritionally, specifically in alcoholics.
In some cases, a simple lack of vitamin D results in depression. 3.000 IU / day from all resources can reduce the problem.
3,000 mg / day or more of niacin (vitamin B-3), combined with the same amount of vitamin C, used in divided doses during the day can properly treat schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.
Vitamin B-3, B-6, C and magnesium and zinc minerals regularly produce an excellent effect in children with ADHD and autism.
Vitamins B-6, folate, B-12 and used collectively reduce homocysteine levels in the elderly, while increasing mental function.
As indicated by chemistry professor and discoverer of vitamin Roger J. Williams, PhD, each individual has different nutritional requirements and respond differently to nutrients. Are you tired of falling into depression, anxiety sufferers, paying huge bills for prescription drugs prescriptions dangerous does not solve the problem or generate results side effects? Are you tired of trying fragmentary and error approach to finding an alternative to your mental or emotional problems? If this is the case, adults should watch the following nutritional method, which bathes the brain and nerves natural nutrients and can produce dramatic results. The cost of the plan is to try to lower the cost of visiting a doctor's office de.La common niacin for depression is safe and easy. Niacin for depression and all of these nutrients can be bought in large discount stores.
For more information you can watch the video below.
It's great if there would be an alternative treatment for depression aside from SSRIs and other types of antidepressants which may cause various side effects.
ReplyDeleteGood points - never trust big pharma!
ReplyDeleteI suffered for 60 years from depression, anxiety and OCD. I have taken all kinds of psychotropic meds, seen numerous psychiatrists and therapists. Nothing made a difference until I started taking Niacin. My arthritis was so bad I was almost in a wheelchair. Now I can walk without a cane, and am happy and depression free for the first time in my life. I take 3000 mg of Niacin, 3000 mg of vitamin C in 3 doses each day. I wish to God I had known about this years ago.
ReplyDeleteCool Post. Keep it Up!
ReplyDeleteMore information visit our site Niacin
For Depression