The diagnostic error between OCD and depression


This article explains the difference between the obsessions of OCD and depression disorders (mental excitement) bipolar.

Often patients come to us for what they think OCD: they have very intrusive thoughts, which constantly hammered with strong anxiety. There is clearly called obsessions. By cons, unlike other people with OCD, they do not have a very clear case scenario or specific rituals. It looks like â bombardment thoughts blurred and continuing a stalemate on a thought loop, not an obsession â constructed of anxiety and rituals to reassure a probable danger.

And the initial error can lead to misdiagnosis and therefore bad years of drug therapy. Indeed, depression worsens mixed with antidepressants. It is part of bipolar disorder and requires treatment with mood stabilizers.


- An OCD person is invaded by thoughts of disaster or disease, or dirt, or sexual abuse, or harm, etc., built on? what if. She is constantly bombarded with strong anxiety and causes specific rituals (washing, symmetry checks, rehearsals, ruminations,?) To try to avert the danger and reduce anxiety. OCD usually begins in childhood or adolescence, or in some women after childbirth. OCD respond well to antidepressants.

- A mixed depression is a depression (sadness, lack of desire, emptiness, fatigue) â side mixed volcanic bubbling and impulsive in the body and / or head, as an energy which grows inside (which Paradoxically with the side empty and energy of a conventional vacuum) and causes an electric battery in the head. Depression can happen â mixed any age, but most often people with depression say that their joint obsessions â arrived more than 40 years.

It happens that some people have OCD and depression also mixed. These are real OCD because they have a clear scenario and rituals clearly defined but it is nevertheless necessary to take into account the mixed depression which is in parallel because of cerebral agitation it feeds the OCD.

Here are two cases of depression mixed with the main elements highlighted:

Case 1:

Mrs. xxx describes a burnout which resulted â disability, seizures spasmophilia for two years, and serious physical problems that have exhausted. Cause severe pain phase of excitement and hyperactivity for 3 months with euphoria, irritability, decreased need for fatigue, increased rate of speech and hyperactivity. This phase would have resulted in an investment â nursing home.

A few months later, obsessions appear on fear? losing his hands?, just after a crisis spasmophilia. Ms xxx is struggling â explain this obsession. She feels no longer feel his hands, as if feeling had disappeared, or were different, but can not clearly explain. She keeps looking in all directions, and seems almost unable to ask quietly on his knees, as if watching something could change â disaster:? I constantly analyzed. ? Mrs xxxx recognizes the absurdity of his thoughts, but feelings of anxiety due to him seems inexplicable and terrifying. It invades all day, she does what to think. It has no clear ritual and do not even know what could reassure her.

Neurological examinations were made, and a lumbar puncture, but everything seems normal. Depression is found mixed with great sadness, lack of desire, poor appetite, insomnia, high agitation in the mind and body, concentration difficulties, and high impulsivity with physical violence back on itself. The daughter of the patient said she was shocked to see his mother rubbing up blood? as if she had become hysterical?, which resulted in psychiatric hospitalization.

Case 2:

Mrs xxxx â consult date for continuous assessment of obsessions.

Obsessions would have developed at 45 years while I was in the USA. I was ill, depressed and not know why I took things in a store without paying, as an uncontrollable impulse. I developed and ruminations on this on why I did this. These are stories that scroll constantly with everything that revolves around it. This is very confusing because they are permanent flashbacks. As soon as I tell it to me again depressed, and ca runs all day. When I did not answer I fall, without even knowing what I expect an answer. It is remembering not know what I want because it does not even matter reinsurance?. Mrs. xxx high anxiety in stores because it reprovoque obsessions on USA.

Mrs xxxx describes a? basic melancholic temperament? since childhood, without any trigger. A first depression lasted several weeks after the first birth to 30 years. A second depression is described at 45 years, USA, reinforced by the guilt of taking things in a store. This depression lasted several years and would be chained with a third to 48 years due to professional concerns of the husband of Madame xxxx. Mrs xxxx feels sad, depressed, tired, with variations of appetite, insomnia, difficulty concentrating, slow, cerebral agitation, autodévalorisation, dark thoughts, and impulsive phases volcanic depression, irritability, anxiety attacks, isolation, spending money. Effexor have worsened the depression. ? Antidepressants help a few months and then they are like candy?. Seropram would have a good effect. Seroplex, Effexor, Zoloft, Abilify + Zoloft would have a short.
Now i'm sure you have an idea about the difference between the obsessions of OCD and depression disorders !

For more information you can watch the video below.


  1. Anonymous4/12/2013

    Nice Blog i am realy impressed !good information health Relieving Stress and Anxiety.

  2. Good points - however, please hire an editor to make this helpful information more legible. There are many errors that are likely confusing to most who read this blog - otherwise, great work! Keep it up :)
