HOW to break the cycle of loneliness and depression

Depression is a common disease. According to WHO estimates, 15% of people around the world have been, are or feel loneliness and depression during their lifetime.

Depression is characterized by feelings of sadness and a significant lack of desire or interest in activities previously considered pleasant. Discouragement, irritability, low self-esteem or guilt may also be present.

Depression is a debilitating disease affecting the social, family and professional. One of the most dramatic consequences of loneliness and depression is suicide.

Too often, people with depression are unaware of being affected by this disease and do not receive adequate therapeutic support.

At present, many taboos and prejudices surrounding this disease.

Indeed some see the state of these people as a personal weakness, lack of will, laziness, ...

These judgments to the punch are obviously very damaging to individuals. They can cause feelings of misunderstanding and increase withdrawal and isolation already present in this disease.

A Tele-Home, appeals addressing the issue of depression are on average 6% of all calls. They testify to the great suffering of people and their environment.

A quick analysis of the motivations behind calls stresses above all the need of speech people. They look primarily a space or express their difficulties, their lack of energy, guilt, family problems this creates and sometimes their desire to end her life.

Learn to listen without judging, without interpreting is paramount. It should help the person to put into words his difficulties, to help defuse the crisis and encourage them not only to fight against depression.


loneliness and depression, Anger, anxiety, fear, guilt, ras-le-bol, helplessness, like living distress or suffering insurmountable ... are to varying degrees the frame of a large number of appeals addressing the issue of suicide.

The aim of these communications every year account for between 2 and 5% of all calls received Tele-Home is primarily speech.

Speaking, it is indeed taking the time to make contact while everything seems to push the action. Talking is also allow to progressively words on suffering or ambiguities that may reside anyone.

Express suicidal desires, his desire to end life also asked to be in a relationship of trust, because to say something of his distress is not necessarily easy. This requires to be in a relationship free of judgment and a priori.

In other words, to speak of oneself, his unhappiness and his suicidal desires fortiori implies to feel accepted as you are.

Acceptance and freedom of speech resulting form the basis of any communication carrier of evolution. It also adds to humanize the relationship between people and finally allows the flow of speech.

loneliness and depression

Currently, we are in a time when relations between people are getting poorer.

This observation, we realize daily TV-Home. Indeed, the place and the time allotted to speak and to listen to decrease more gradually as our pace of life is accelerating. The relationships between individuals can not resist and wither every day. This results in a gradual increase in the number of people and lack of contact pins.

The isolation and loneliness thus become the daily lot of a growing number of people.

The human being is a social being, however, it has a vital need for contacts and relationships to flourish.

loneliness and depression is not selected therefore against the current of the natural tendency of any individual.

Dial the Remote Home is a way to fight against loneliness and depression. This allows people to maintain minimal contact with the outside world and gradually finding the resources to break the cycle of loneliness and depression.
