Depression checklist to avoid depression without taking medication !
is a depression that occurs in the fall or winter. Day length
decreases, the cold begins to settle and life becomes a chore without
explanation. We no longer see the value of nothing and you feel
miserable. This is an opportunity to question everything: the time or
most of us will abandon their plans and dreams.
You've probably experienced some form of seasonal depression, but this is not a reason to accept it. But I just realized it was not day I woke up this morning. This is why I will go ahead and give you a depression checklist to avoid seasonal depression guete you up without taking medication that would make you falsely believe that you get better.
Depression checklist, natural cure without medication
Understand the cycles that lead to seasonal depression
Life is like that. The slightest shake in your life can make you move from one state to a perfectly happy life cycle or no longer of interest. Simply accepting that life is thus made will help you feel better during your time of sorrow. Depression usually lasts forever. By realizing this, you can begin to gain perspective on your condition and your life. Perform a simple moral decline is not reason enough to forget all your projects. Even if you feel worse, the moral understanding of cycles to help you enjoy every moment, even if you think they are bad. Warning, do not stop here, accept seasonal depression is not the fight!
Spend time with positive people
It's cold, I'm tired, I'm tired of winter, etc.. Small negative sentences you saddled daily, avoid simple! You probably have around you people who have never really problems (or do not show). The more you spend time with positive people less likely you are to be strongly affected by SAD.
Change air
One of the best ways to tackle seasonal depression when pointing the tip of his nose is changing horizons. Our problems are often related to our environment and our lives. Where you live, your journey to work, your colleagues. All these things remind you that you are not going well and why you are not feeling well. You just have to change the air out of your problems. Take a weekend, change the path in the morning or leaving the house in the evening. Regardless of the method, the important thing is to get out of the environment that reminds you of your seasonal depression.
Get out of your routine
Just as you can change the environment, you can change things in your routine to break the vicious circle of SAD. Do things you do not usually dare go out of your comfort zone. Breaking the routine, you will break your depression. You simply put in motion is a perfect way to get you out of your discomfort. Run, do indoor sports, dance, get out. The movement causes enthusiasm. This is what you are looking for you it seems!
Use light therapy
Light therapy is a treatment scientifically recognized and approved as a treatment for SAD. Since many believe that the lack of sunlight plays on our moral, the idea is simply to recreate artificially. This is the principle of revivals simulating sunlight. There are tons of ways to play with light to reduce the lack of sunlight.
You've probably noticed that it was small depression checklist. Finally, it does not take much to fight against seasonal depression. You also notice that your list has two of the five ways mentioned here because you made a change of air in and out of your routine. The winter is not the time to let go!
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