How to Think Positive

By Sienna Nalin

If you did not know it, thinking in a positive manner will better your health. When thinking negatively it just tears down your health which is not good. You want to feel good and be happy and spread that around to others. (Image by Wavy1 via Flickr)

You are the control of your life so take it by the reigns and do things differently to change your mood and have a better spirit. No one else can dictate your state of mind but you so start thinking differently and doing things differently and stuff should start getting better in your life.

1. Start telling yourself things can change. While telling yourself that you also have to start that change and better whatever problem or mishap you may be having an issue with.

2. In order to motivate yourself you must acknowledge that pushing yourself and doing things that you would have never done before to better your mood and make things work in your favor will have positive results. If not though you will feel good just knowing you worked so hard on something you would not have before.

3. Set goals. Just the act of setting goals will help you overcome the feeling that you have no control over your future. The energy and thought process required to set goals will get your mind thinking in a whole new way.

4. Just jumping head first into something big that you are unsure of is not such a safe thing to do. If you want success having small goals are fine too, they will motivate you to work up to the harder stuff and achieving them.

5. You have to be optimistic at all times. By staying with the same viewpoint that you have you won't be able to see the bigger picture or that you can change something by going another route. You can change what is happening around you by knowing all alternatives instead of the one that you are sticking to and trying to make work. Step back and see the bigger picture.

How you act dictates the course of your life. So do the smallest things so that you can witness that and the power that you have over what happens.

...Find out additional info here 6 ways to get out of your rut - CBS News

Thinking positive will start happening automatically if you really tries these steps. What do you have to lose from doing so? NOTHING! So try.

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