Health Benefits Of The Pregnancy Yoga Eagle Pose

By Sam Milner

Yoga is an excellent form of exercise during pregnancy. It relaxes and rejuvenates your body while increasing flexibility and strength. Its history dates back over 5000 years. This form of physical activity involves several poses and breathing techniques targeting different areas of your body. Most poses or asanas are safe for pregnant women and have numerous health benefits.

Certain poses are extremely beneficial during pregnancy. One of them is garudusana or the eagle pose. This Bikram yoga posture will strengthen your legs and increase joint flexibility. It also stretches your shoulders and back. The pregnancy yoga eagle pose opens up the pelvic muscles, as well as the 14 largest joints in the skeletal system.

This pose improves your focus and strength. It also tones the muscles between your shoulders blades and spine. The pregnancy yoga eagle pose increases blood flow to the sexual organs and reproductive system, improves flexibility in the hips, and aids in gaining better balance. This pose is ideal for people suffering from asthma and back pain.

Do the mountain pose or tadasana. Keep your feet together and your arms sideways. Open your palms. Hook your right foot around the left calf. Cross your left arm to your right. You will feel compression in the wrists, shoulders, and elbows. Hold and breathe while lifting your arms and sinking your hips. Remain in this position for 15-30 seconds. Release your arms and legs. Repeat the pose with your arms and legs twisted around the other way.

The pregnancy yoga eagle pose improves your sense of balance and calms your mind. It also stretches the outer thighs, as well as the shoulders and upper back. Practicing garudasana is a great way to strengthen your legs and increase joint flexibility. This pose tones the upper body and brings fresh blood to the kidneys.

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