Holistic medicine is quickly becoming the chosen alternative to conventional medicine. The naturopathic doctor follows six principles of healing which are the basis for this type of practice. A Michigan holistic doctor will follow these principles which are based on the unbiased examination of the characteristics of disease and health. This practitioner is continuously reevaluating the connection between health and disease.
The first principle that these professionals hold to is to do no harm. They use safe, effective, natural therapies. These therapies will promote good health and reduce the possibility of negative side effects. The therapies are natural and non invasive.
This is an alternative to conventional medicine that acknowledges the body's natural ability to heal. The practitioner will identify obstacles that prevent the process of healing or recovery. When obstacles are identified they can be removed so that the body will be encouraged to heal.
In addition, the naturopathic physician looks for the underlying causes of disease. These causes are addressed during therapy rather than simply focusing on the symptoms. The root of the problem must be dealt with since that is where the cause of the illness stems. When the practitioner goes to the source of the illness the symptoms will be eliminated.
The premise of this kind of medicine is to address the person as a whole. The spiritual, environmental, genetic, social, mental, emotional and physical make up of each individual is considered by the practitioner. Also, the doctor considers the multiple causes of disease and illness. The professional also takes on an educator role that will help encourage natural healing by empowering the patient.
The practitioner partners with the patient on a journey to attain the best health possible. The naturopathic doctor helps the patient with changing lifestyle choices that will prevent disease or stop the progression. This type of medicine recognizes the connection that exits with the human body and mind and the natural ability for healing.
The first principle that these professionals hold to is to do no harm. They use safe, effective, natural therapies. These therapies will promote good health and reduce the possibility of negative side effects. The therapies are natural and non invasive.
This is an alternative to conventional medicine that acknowledges the body's natural ability to heal. The practitioner will identify obstacles that prevent the process of healing or recovery. When obstacles are identified they can be removed so that the body will be encouraged to heal.
In addition, the naturopathic physician looks for the underlying causes of disease. These causes are addressed during therapy rather than simply focusing on the symptoms. The root of the problem must be dealt with since that is where the cause of the illness stems. When the practitioner goes to the source of the illness the symptoms will be eliminated.
The premise of this kind of medicine is to address the person as a whole. The spiritual, environmental, genetic, social, mental, emotional and physical make up of each individual is considered by the practitioner. Also, the doctor considers the multiple causes of disease and illness. The professional also takes on an educator role that will help encourage natural healing by empowering the patient.
The practitioner partners with the patient on a journey to attain the best health possible. The naturopathic doctor helps the patient with changing lifestyle choices that will prevent disease or stop the progression. This type of medicine recognizes the connection that exits with the human body and mind and the natural ability for healing.
About the Author:
Find an overview of the advantages of consulting a Michigan holistic doctor and more information about an experienced physician at http://www.cutlerintegrativemedicine.com/ now.
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