Emergency Dental Office Provides Help For Broken Teeth And General Care

By Kurt Saniel

A broken tooth can occur for a number of reasons and includes cracks, chips, fractures and having been completely knocked from the socket. Whether due to to trauma or simply biting into a hard food item, Philadelphia PA emergency dentistry offers individual solutions to restore your smile. Seeking immediate assistance can make a significant difference to save remaining teeth.

When a chip or a fracture occurs, the most obvious sign is the missing piece when looking in a mirror. Extreme sensitivity to hot and cold temperatures may also indicate a change in the structure of a tooth. In the event that you have broken your tooth, it is best to make an emergency appointment to visit your dentist.

Do not ignore the formation of a crack, as it creates the ideal conditions for the growth and spread of bacteria. Once an infection has occurred, it can spread to the gums and ultimately lead to the loss of the tooth. The dentist will put effective methods in place to identify the type of damage that has occurred and the best possible intervention to return your smile.

Relying solely on medication is not an effective solution and is a temporary pain relief option. Taking the steps to make an emergency appointment with a dentist can protect against the possible loss of teeth. A professional can implement specific techniques and safe solutions that will deliver the best and permanent results.

Bonding is commonly applied to hairline fractures in the surface of teeth. If the damage has penetrated down to the tooth root, it will need surgical correction. With the performance of a physical examination, it is possible to receive individually based intervention and restoration.

Action should be taken within a 24-hour period for the best possible results. This includes contacting emergency dental services. The practitioner will conduct an oral exam to determine which techniques are best for the maintenance of your smile.

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