Psych-K Can Bring About Change Quickly

By Jeannie Chapman

In 1988 a new therapeutic tool was introduced. Psych-k has the capacity to facilitate changes in the subconscious brain. When a person holds incorrect beliefs in the subconscious it may cause him to repeat mistakes over and over. This is detrimental to how he conducts his life.

This tool works differently than others, for example daily affirmations, using will power and visualization. The reason is that these tools are limited to affecting the conscious mind. Some invisible roadblocks to success are the invisible incorrect beliefs that reside in the subconscious.

When someone is unaware of a belief causing aberrant behavior it is not possible to change it. Psych-k focuses on altering the state of mind in evidence when he feels stress for no discernible reason.

The physical body indicates that neurons are firing in both hemispheres of the brain simultaneously. This is made evident by certain muscular movements and postures. At this time the person is more amenable to change. When detrimental subconsciously held beliefs can be recognized, they can be eliminated and replaced by new ones that will contribute to success.

This process takes place when a number of tools are utilized. These tools, neuro-linguistic programming and educational kinesiology for example, have been used in other therapies with good results. Direct communication is made possible between the conscious and subconscious mind, according to psych-k.

This state is referred to as a whole-brain procedure. It is purported to balance the two hemispheres of the brain. It empowers the individual making it possible to dispel negative beliefs and replace them with positive beliefs.

The success that is achieved, is achieved rapidly. Long years are required for psychoanalysis and shorter, yet significant periods of time are needed for psychotherapy. Psych-k, on the other hand, can take place instantaneously. The change is confirmed by evaluating muscular reaction.

Common philosophical and medical beliefs are rooted in the fact that genetics predetermine personal perception of what a person is capable of accomplishing in life. This belief limits the confidence someone applies to his effort to achieve. When the whole brain balance is implemented, the individual takes the reins and drives the horse to whatever pasture beckons.

Although genetic theory is a fact based on scientific evidence, it need not keep an individual from pursuing his goals. Genetics may not be the roadblock, but rather the assumption that due to genetics, those goals are out of reach.

The subconscious is responsible for the state of mind the individual is in. Irrational beliefs naturally limit his potential. When the mindset leading to destructive assumptions is altered, self-defeating behavior patterns will be eliminated as well. The amount of time required to make the transition is minimal.

Psych-k can arm you with new confidence in yourself. You can overcome depression and set out to find a new job or repair a relationship that you were in danger of losing. This therapeutic tool can enable you to improve your chances in employment and romance. All the things that previously seemed out of reach will become possible. It is up to you to put your new abilities to use.

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