Local Raleigh Chiropractor Alleviates Personal Injury Pain Naturally

By John Bolton

If your back is hurting from a fall or lifting something too heavy, it can make life miserable. Other types of injuries may also occur when playing weekend sports. If you are in pain you can count on your Raleigh chiropractor for assistance with natural therapy.

When you are hurting you may reach for a bottle of over the counter pain pills. This may help for a few hours, but the pain is likely to return. The reason that pain returns in that the medication has worn off. As a result you will have to keep taking the pain drugs if you want any kind of relief.

Pain drugs are not always the answer for injuries. In fact, sometimes they can do more harm than good. When you take a pain medication the drug works by blocking pain signals from the injured area to the brain. If your brain is not aware of the pain, you may continue to work or engage in activities that can make your injury worse.

Pain drugs or injections are only used for temporary relief, as they do not solve the problem. When you relieve symptoms, the real reason for pain still exists and you need therapy that gets to the cause of your problem, so you will eventually be pain free. That is what chiropractic care is all about.

If you are injured your chiropractic professional will examine you. You may need simple x-rays or sophisticated testing procedures. This tells the chiropractic doctor if there is damaged tissue, torn ligaments, or other problems.

After your exam and consultation you may receive several types of therapy. Some provide immediate relief while others help you return to work and become pain free, over time. Ice, heat, or massage may be used, in conjunction with chiropractic adjustment, and other methods. All therapies from your Raleigh chiropractor are natural and safe enough for everyone in the family.

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