Non Prescription Tips Offers By Richardson Compounding Pharmacist

By Lilia Slaybaugh

Your Richardson compounding pharmacist is experienced with all types of drugs and medications. If you need a special prescription it can easily be created to your doctor's specifications. However, your pharmacy professional also provides important advice on over the counter and herbal medications. This can be very beneficial to you and your family.

One must be very careful when purchasing over the counter or OTC drugs, as many of them react with certain medications. For instance, if you have a heart or circulatory condition you may need to take a blood thinning prescription. Even products as simple as aspirin can interact with these medications. This can cause one to have serious bleeding or bruising problems.

Perhaps you have hypertension and are taking drugs to keep it down. It is vital to understand any interactions from supplements or other common medications. Some diet supplements like green tea extract have a significant amount of caffeine. This raises blood pressure and can make your medications less effective.

Some supplements should be avoided altogether when you have certain medical conditions like depression. This is especially important when taking a common SSRI drug like fluoxetine. Several popular supplements (like SAMe and St. John's wort) may interact with these drugs. In fact, they could cause serious emotional or physical problems. One must also be careful with herbal sedatives like Valerian.

Even something as simple as a calcium supplement should be avoided in certain cases. For example several antibiotics are known to interact with calcium and one should even avoid dairy products while taking them. Calcium may also interact with some thyroid medications.

Many common OTC drugs have potentially dangerous side effects. Any time you are not sure about a supplement or drug, you can turn to your Richardson compounding pharmacist for reliable advice. Pharmacists have a working knowledge on the action of drugs in the body and can tell you if certain mixtures should be avoided or not.

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