Top Trauma Counselor Vancouver Spells Out How Traumatic Life Events Cause Depression

By Timothy Walker

Traumatic events are classified as anything that triggers a negative mood or emotion. The death of a loved one, sudden job loss and even being physically, emotionally or sexually abused can cause trauma. Then again, it is also possible for one to suffer from psychological disorders because of witnessing something terrible happening to someone else. During the hunt for an ideal trauma counselor Vancouver has a decent number of highly regarded professionals to offer.

Traumatic life events can easily leave a patient depressed. Just like depression, trauma causes a persistent and intense feeling of sadness. Any change that occurs in your life that causes psychological, physical or emotional harm can be termed as traumatic. The most common traumatic events include the death of a loved one, going through divorce and getting fired.

At this point, you are possibly wondering what the relationship between depression and trauma is. Well, following a traumatic event, patient sink into episodes of devastating anxiety and sadness. Those that are disposed to mental disorders will therefore drift into a state of depression. This is because their ability to correctly respond to stressful situations is impacted directly.

A patient will not have a coping mechanism to deal with trauma and grief. This by itself robs them of the power to be in control of their lives and generally be productive at what they do. While some patients are not able to trust anyone and cannot build or maintain healthy relationships, others will have challenges remaining employed.

Through therapy, you can gradually learn how to cope with past trauma. Even though a professional cannot help you forget the event in question, you can learn to deal with it and move on with your life. A competent therapist can also provide invaluable treatment if trauma left you battling with depression. What happens is that the specialist will guide you out of your own head and this will allow you to reconcile with your feelings, mood patterns and behavior.

There are red flags that would show a dire need to schedule for trauma counseling. First, you want to see a proficient therapist immediately if you have PTSD symptoms. It is true that PTSD is a concern that commonly affects soldiers deployed in war zones, though it can also be triggered by physical, emotional or sexual abuse as well as other dangerous events.

Patients suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder literally flee away from social activities. They also experience negative mood changes, intense sadness and emotional numbness just to mention a few. It is also worth mentioning that childhood trauma has the power to haunt an individual all through his or her life and the need to seek therapy should not be taken lightly.

If it is clear that anxiety is depriving you of the chance to live your life to the fullest, you should not waste time before seeking counseling. Underlying trauma is known to cause extreme anxiety and this makes a patient to have challenges keeping friends and even going about usual workdays with ease. Fortunately, it is possible to effectively treat trauma.

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