11 Beginner Yoga Poses Vol.1 Of 3

By Kyle Heier

Yoga poses are gaining traction in mainstream culture. Yoga has sunk its talons of popularity in and has evolved into a workout aimed at the mind, body, and soul that everyone can participate in. Yoga's origins are that of a spiritual nature. For those who wish to find a release, or others who wish to challenge themselves on a mental and physical level, there are varying yoga poses with varying degrees of difficulty. The beginner volume covers 11 of the popular beginner yoga poses, the first volume of three covering the first three. Desiring to understand these poses is the first step. Taking what you know and applying it to the task is the next step, and first to bettering your core strength and overall flexibility. The functions and gains introduced from yoga directly translate over to any area of fitness, sports, or recreation. Your body will gain essential strengths for every day use, and your mind will have a chance to recharge.

On to the yoga poses...

Yoga Mountain Pose

1. Standing with your feet apart at the heels, touch your large toes together to bring them all into a formed line. Begin rocking back and forth as well as side to side to find the position most comfortable for your feet without moving your heels and toes from the original positioning on the ground.

2. Flex your thighs in order to raise your knee caps and lift your inner ankles to best support the arches in your feet. Bring your inner thighs closer together and flex your core slightly to bring your pelvis and belly button together.

3. Squeeze your shoulder blades together and slowly release them down the back. Raise your sternum without raising your rib cage and widen your collarbones. Lower your hands to your side.

4. Keeping your chin parallel to the floor, align your head over your pelvic area. Press your tongue down to the floor of your mouth and relax your eyes.

5. The mountain yoga pose is also called Tadasana. This is the foundation for most all upright and standing yoga poses. Hold this yoga pose for 30 seconds to a minute at a time while practicing relaxed breathing.

Bridge Pose

1. Lay down on the floor and bend your knees. Pull your heels back towards your butt as much as you can. If you need support for your neck, place a folded towel underneath.

2. Now with your hands and feet planted on the ground, lift your pelvis in the air. Try not to flex your butt if at all possible. Squeeze your hands together underneath your body and pull them towards your heels to properly position your shoulders on the ground.

3. Lift your glutes until the thighs are roughly parallel to the floor. Keep knees roughly at 90 degrees, but push them away from the hips while lengthening the tailbone. Focus at this point on bringing your pelvis towards your navel.

4. Position your head flat to the floor by rotating it back and lifting your chin to the ceiling. Flex your shoulder blades towards your rear end to help raise your sternum. Shrug your shoulders as much as you can while trying to keep your hands extended away from the head.

5. Keep this firm position for roughly a minute or less with a large exhale to release from the position. roll the spine onto the floor to a resting position.

Downward Facing Dog Pose

1. Begin this yoga pose on your hands and knees keeping your knees positioned under your hips. reach your hands forward emphasizing the position beside your head, and keeping the tips of your index fingers as even as you can.

2. Exhale slowly while lifting the knees from the floor to a straight position without locking the knees. With your heels lifted slightly, stretch your butt towards the ceiling and flex your thighs towards the groin.

3. Push your upper thighs back and bring your heels closer to the floor while exhaling. Begin straightening your legs without locking your knees.

4. Pushing with your index fingers to support your shoulders, bring your shoulder blades together and push them towards your lower back shortly after. This will help your arms properly extend and assist in positioning your head in between your arms. Do not let your head rest and swing down towards the floor.

5. Adho Mukha Svanasana is the traditional name for this yoga pose. This is one of the yoga poses traditionally used in the sun salutation sequences. This yoga pose is equally as good all by itself. Hold the position for anywhere between 1-3 minutes. Exhale slowly while bringing your knees to the ground to finish in the child's pose.

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