Potential Benefits For Quantum Wave Laser Treatment

By William Watson

Medicine is always seeking new ways to treat degenerative illnesses and chronic pain conditions such as fibromyalgia. While there are more studies to be done, it seems that quantum wave laser treatment is showing real promise as a means of treating a multitude of conditions. While some of the improvements seen may simply be the benefit one might receive from a day at the spa, there are some exciting potentials in the field of pain management.

Opiate addiction has become a serious threat to the lives of millions of people, and the medical establishment is still hesitant to push medical marijuana through the legal system. Cold light therapy performed with low-level lasers shows great promise as an alternative to any drug therapy, and is the subject of much research by in the lab and in public trials. Homeopaths and physicians alike are paying attention to the results.

No doctor feels good at the end of the day when they know they have contributed to drug addiction in their patients. There is no reason why a middle-aged man or woman suffering tennis elbow or chronic knee pain should suddenly find themselves labeled as a drug addict and forced into addiction therapy. Patients are encouraged to use caution with doctors who immediately treat their ailment with opiate-based medications.

These non-invasive treatments are also painless, which is a great benefit to anyone already in pain. Chronic pain management includes a sense of helplessness that often leads to depression, and some patients simply stress out when facing injections or rigorous physical therapy. These low-level light photons have no unpleasant side effects, and they can target only the impacted areas of the body.

Lasers which control the scattering of light allow the beams to pass much more deeply into problem tissues. They actually stimulate the cells into action, and the body is able to heal itself in a manner similar to what occurs during acupuncture. While this healing is taking place, the inflammation in the affected area is greatly reduced, and this results in a lessening of pain.

Burn centers are beginning to prescribe this treatment to patients badly scarred both on and off the battlefield. Combining the stimulation of low-level lasers along with the printing of skin cells on three dimensional printers has allowed many wounded soldiers the ability to return to their nearly normal selves. In time these treatments will be available to everyone.

One of the benefits of this form of non-invasive therapy is that it can shorten the healing time for any injury whether it be a Cesarean childbirth or a broken bone. With quicker healing time, fewer invasive procedures, and options outside of drug therapies available to the patient, the costs and risk associated with healing are reduced. This is great news to anyone who is hesitant to swallow a pill or go under the surgeon scalpel.

Plastic surgeons all over the world are watching the research taking place with great interest. They are hoping to make scars, cellulite, stretch marks, burns, and wrinkles a thing of the past. Better yet, they may be able to accomplish this without the expensive surgeries and extensive healing time that have for so long been the only treatments available.

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