Safe Yoga Poses For Pregnancy

By Sam Milner

A woman's body undergoes many changes during pregnancy. This is a delicate time for both mother and baby. Most women have to deal with unpleasant symptoms such as nausea and fatigue, back pain, poor digestion, and dizziness. Yoga can help you overcome these problems and ease your pregnancy. Certain yoga poses are designed for expectant moms, so you should try them out. They can help you feel better about yourself and relax your entire body.

Here are the best yoga poses for pregnant women:

Cobbler's pose - This exercise opens the hips and groin, and creates space in your growing uterus. It also eases back pain and improves balance. Also known as Baddha Konasana, the cobbler's poses is beneficial for both the mother and her child. This posture helps move the baby into the right position for delivery.

Child's pose - This exercise reduces stress and clears your mind. It also improves circulation, releases tension in your back and shoulders, and encourages strong breathing. This resting pose is ideal if you have dizziness or fatigue. The child's pose helps relieve the symptoms of menopause and strengthens foot arches.

Yoga squat - This popular exercise stretches and tones your legs, improves posture, and accelerates your metabolism. It's one of the best yoga poses during pregnancy. It helps you find balance and strengthens your core. The yoga squat offsets the adverse effects of sitting for long periods of time by increasing flexibility and coordination.

Eagle pose - This balancing pose opens your hips and shoulders. It's the only posture that opens up 14 of the largest joints in the body. Also known as garudasana, the eagle pose improves focus and strengthens the right and left hemispheres of the brain.

Hero pose - This posture is the starting point for several asanas. It improves digestion, stretches your knees and hips, and relieves tired legs. If you suffer from high blood pressure or asthma, you should definitely try the hero pose.

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