How A Bakersfield Chiropractor Alleviates Headaches Naturally With Chiropractic Care

By Christian Bordner

Headaches affect many people. The cause of one's pain is often traced to his or her spine. The vertebrae of the spine protect the nervous system as it exits the skull and forms the spinal cord. If the vertebrae in a person's neck do not move correctly, they may irritate or place pressure on nerves in the area, causing headaches. To correct the situation, a Bakersfield CA Chiropractor uses gentle spinal adjustments.

One can experience spinal problems in his neck due to many different reasons. Some may have occurred in the birthing process. Others are traced to falls, car wrecks or sports. Adding bad posture and life stress to the mix makes the problems even worse.

Migraines can cause sharp, severe pain. The headache may seem to throb and normally affects one side of the head. Tension headache pain is often longer lasting and occurs more frequently. The dull pain is steady. With chiropractic care, patients often find help for either type of headache pain.

The first visit to the chiropractic doctor will include a consultation and examination of the spine. In some cases, the doctor may order an x-ray or other types of diagnostic tests. Once the doctor understands the cause of the pain, he will explain it to the patient and offer a plan of therapy to correct the condition.

After the pain stops, the body will continue to heal from the headache source. The doctor of chiropractic may make further adjustments that train the vertebrae to remain in place. These adjustments improve function of one's nervous system and allow the body's natural healing ability to restore health.

With continued care from a Bakersfield CA chiropractor, the intensity as well as the frequency of one's headaches may decrease. Living without headache pain is much more enjoyable. In time, when chiropractic care is combined with exercise and a healthy diet, the patient may live with fewer pains and improved overall health.

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