Pet Care: Questions To Ask About Depression & Electromagnetic Therapy

By Robin Setser

One of the most unique traits of pets, cats and dogs included, is that their facial expressions are difficult to read. They don't change very much, which means that we may not understand what they're thinking or feeling. This can be a problem when it comes to mental conditions, which brings us to the topic of depression. For concerned pet owners, here are a few questions to ask about said condition and the potential implementation of PEMF therapy for animals.

"Can animals actually suffer from depression?" Yes. It's entirely possible that animals can become depressed, which many people are unaware of. Whether it's due to physical trauma, neglect, or some other instance entirely, an animal will become stressed. The more that stress builds, the more likely it is that depression will develop. This is just the start of the insight that companies such as Assisi Animal Health can provide.

"If my pet is depressed, how will they show it?" When it comes to the signs of depression in animals, there are a few to be aware of. These include, but aren't limited to, a loss of appetite and a decrease in overall activity. Is your animal not eating as much as they used to? Do they seem hesitant to play, even when they were known to be lively and fun-loving in the past? If these situations arise, it's possible that your pet has depression. In this scenario, you'd be wise to consult your veterinarian.

"Is depression the same for every animal?" No, and the reason for this is that, like with humans, animals suffer from depression differently. In worse case scenarios, this is a chronic condition that requires long-term care. However, other animals may suffer dips in mood and feel better in due time. Whatever the case may be, in order to receive a better understanding of your pet's overall condition, consulting your local veterinary specialist is recommended.

"How can I help my pet if they have depression?" Depending on your veterinarian's recommendation, your treatment may be different than others. PEMF therapy for animals may be recommended, largely due to how it helps animals ailing with this condition. It can also help with healing muscle tissue that's been negatively impacted. Painkillers and antidepressants may be used, but they aren't recommended for long-term doses. There are safer options that you should take advantage of.

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