Septic Tips Offered By Washington Septic Tank Pumping Company

By Jomer Tuyor

While on-site sewage disposal systems are reliable, they do require a few more precautions than when one's home is connected to a municipal waste disposal system. With proper care, the system will provide many years of dependable service. A Washington Septic Tank Pumping service offers the following tips to ensure your system continues to work correctly.

Protect the drain field. It should not be a place where you drive or park vehicles. Never build structures or pave over this area. Landscaping should be limited to grass. Make sure surface runoff is directed away from the field.

These units must have live bacteria to operate correctly. The population of the bacteria is lowered by flushing harsh chemicals, medication and pesticides into the system. This makes it less effective at breaking down solids. As a result, the working volume of the chamber decreases rapidly and it will need to be serviced sooner.

Do not use toilets as trash cans. The system does well at breaking down bathroom tissue and human waste. It will not break down plastics or feminine protection products. In the kitchen, avoid using the garbage disposal for all but the smallest amounts of food scraps. Dispose high fiber scraps in the garbage can.

Limit the amount of water that goes into the unit. If draining water beds, swimming pools or spas, do not direct the water through the system. Repair any dripping faucets. The additional water can cause flooding of the drain field and system failure. If you must do several loads of laundry, spread them throughout the day to provide time for the water load to disperse.

Have tanks inspected and serviced regularly by a Washington septic tank pumping service. This removes the buildup of solid materials from the chambers and prevents it from overflowing into the drain field. By following these precautions and having the system serviced on the schedule suggested you can keep it working well for many years.

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  1. My roommate was using our toilet as a trashcan, just like you said you shouldn't! I just can't believe why you'd do that, you know? Our neighborhoods septic tank has been giving off some horrible smells lately. I hope these septic tank guys can take care of it.
    Celine |

  2. I'm getting my septic tank pumped in a week. It should be fun to see how it is done. Its a first for me.

  3. My septic tank needs some maintenance every once in a while. Our city is leaving us on a septic tank. They say we're too far away to get city sewer lines extended to us. I think it would be great if we could get a line, but that day seems far away in the future.

  4. I had no idea that they need live bacteria to operate effectively. I am really new in having a septic tank, so I don't know a lot about them and how they work. However, now knowing this makes me want to make sure that mine always has live bacteria in it. I'll have to look more into how I can make this happen!

  5. Most likely, the most essential factor you can do for the system is to work with a knowledgeable expert to perform septic pumping and clean the tank every 3-5 years.

    Septic Pumping Services
